
Showing posts from January, 2021

Human clone

 SPEECH:- in a story form  Role:- Scientist- sanjana            Student- ankit, or pinki          Senirio-  Public interaction Some college student discus with each-other human clone.'One student say i heard this word but I'M little bit confused'  Second student said i know that what is human clone and she describe about human clone.'Human clone is a type of robot and that is look like a you and you can't will be difference between real and doll' that call the human clone. And  now anchor come said to please. everyone pay attention. One  amazing person come with in our between. Now clap for her. Everyone clap for her welcome to her. And now anchor give her introduce.She is a big scientist to our country. she is a example of women empowerment. Because she is one of the them to in internationl  level. Now whole story she will be describe to us.  Now sanjana  came and talk about the human cl...

Human clone

 SPEECH Pooja is a brilliant scientist. And  she will be able to made a human robot. She will be made look like to pinki. In the past to her story. if you will be check. She made a pollution free car. And that was dedicate to  our country. This is only one achievement to her  story. but she was made so many thing. and she big researcher. And if can see her past work so she have done work for women empowerment. Now she is a able to made a human clone for our society and she will be give the good massage to our soceity. and she will be prove the our country is a good to other country and able to live there by self.  Now first we have to need to talk. what is human clone, human clone is look like a robot. And that is help to our so many work for us. And you what, that is complete his work so early you can say 10 people work complete in the one hour.  So, many country try that and successful also. May be our country will be try that also good. and I can suggest...

My best time ever

My best time ever  is evening time. Because of  all whole day my mind is unstable but in evening time i feel fresh and energetic. And so many things observe in the evening. And so many people i'm meet with them. and so many people knowing me. I felt what they think about the each- other. And they of see the people. Notice to them okay I will tell you a story what happened with two  teenagers. Story was start to there.  I left my home for going to the branch. Every day always happens to saw one anty and told to her "namaste" and  I was move ahead in my way come from a park and as usual two teenage was sit together but one uncle go to the in front of them and so much scolded them. And call there parents. With girl happened with bad things. Her parents fixed her marriage and stop to her don't go outside.  These all senirio I knew it when she went come on me and told me the whole story. What happened with her and now where will be going our society. 

Introducing a new superhero to the world

Good evening everyone I'm CEO of desater management. I would like to tell you about the becoming Earth quake. You all know very well earth quake is natural desater and after its become so many things will be destroy  and so many people survive without house. They will be live without food. And this will be big tragedy for us.      So I would like to introduce seismoman. He is like a super hero who's save to Delhi people to big desater. He has arrived from Neptune coming for our help.       He have some desater management equipment which will be help to our public. This is the resarch by researchers and check by the scientifically. But this super hero have so much knowledge about climate and so many earthquake desater. And they will be help out of us for future earthquake. He will be try to minimum things damage by this desater.  Thank you.......................

Invisible Ink

                                       ADVERSETISEMENT SALE         SALE            SALE       ON       SALE          SALE         SALE You want to different  type of pen. Who's work to differently. It's work on magically. That is only for you. It will be work on secretly also.      Rika invisible ink pen.       If you buy you can do so many things. and this pen useful our secret thing. SALE       SALE        SALE      20 /- SALE       SALE   SALE  IF YOU BUY ANY ELECTRONIC THINGS YOU GET THIS PEN.

My best time ever

 Every evening time i am coming for branch.This things good for me because i saw many things in the come from  my way and these things so intersting for me because i observed so many things. and after best spent my friend and with fascilitartor .