
English curriculum equipment for today's trending jobs.

 Topic:- English curriculum equipping you for the trending jobs  Now a days is English language most important for everyone's who want to do go in a business, teaching and others things also. If you will learn so you are capable to communicate with others and handle situation easily . Now in this days English language like a equipment for everyone. 

skit script

 18/2/2021 Topic:-A crummy vacation

3rd day of reading book

 Tick tock,you were dead Today i read the story, Denny find his family and brother. Till now he was found his family. when i was read the novel that time thinking about my childhood time. when my mother was going anywhere so, she had took me also but when i was going anywhere without talking with her that time my mother scread about me. And one day what happen our family went a summery for our village and lived in the uncle house that day was evening time but only me left all went some where and that day was i alone uncle house and i was thinking so, many things. I think like that Denny was saved his family that time i also think that thins. I will save my family to evil.

2nd day of reading

 Tick tock, you're Dead!  In the 2nd day of story was little bit same place. Denny found his brother, he went past clock but couldn't find he's brother. Because of King Henry adopt his and they don't want to give anyone. I read four ending, all ending was sad and first ending he was not his brother but and ending was he saved his family but not found them also. Denny have so, critical situation and everything happened bad he want to change some new things. In that all things were person to help out to Denny. Dr. Peebles he was help to his find their family and brother also. That more interesting story. 

Tick tock, you're Dead!

 This novel written by R.L. Stine   Novel name :- Tick tock, you're Dead!  This was very amazing. I read three ending about the story so made me visualize in my what happened that time. Some other things also.   The story all about the one family trip. And main character is Denny. First ending about he was face problem and come out with twice. Second ending was he saved his family. Third ending so sad he was faced wizards and to them.  This story very interesting and enjoyable. Made us vilsualize about the story.


Artificial intelligence:- First we have to need to know what is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence computer work like the human. And help to human doing there work. Its abilities is they recognanies the human. It will be work for human and move like the human. Artificial intelligent to help who is alone they help out them.If you want to make like need to complete computer science. It is helpful our society also because it so many work by side by side. This is only there feature of  artificial intelligence. There some negative point also. The negative point is they will be  human made lazy. and reduce the human work.        These will be negative point the artificial intelligence. but whatever it's happen that will be good.

Human clone

 SPEECH:- in a story form  Role:- Scientist- sanjana            Student- ankit, or pinki          Senirio-  Public interaction Some college student discus with each-other human clone.'One student say i heard this word but I'M little bit confused'  Second student said i know that what is human clone and she describe about human clone.'Human clone is a type of robot and that is look like a you and you can't will be difference between real and doll' that call the human clone. And  now anchor come said to please. everyone pay attention. One  amazing person come with in our between. Now clap for her. Everyone clap for her welcome to her. And now anchor give her introduce.She is a big scientist to our country. she is a example of women empowerment. Because she is one of the them to in internationl  level. Now whole story she will be describe to us.  Now sanjana  came and talk about the human cl...